Consulting Services


We provide a wide range of professional procurement consulting services to meet your needs. We are happy to discuss how we can meet your requirements and are open to create a commercial package with a blend of risk reward "skin in the game" / fixed price or time based charging model.

Strategic Assistance

Need help in articulating your sourcing, vendor and contract management strategy?

We have the experience to listen, understand, challenge, validate and then create the strategy that is right for your needs. We then have the practical experience of turning a strategy into execution.


Negotiation / Renegotiation Support

Need an experienced independent eye to help fight your corner in contract negotiations.

We can support you in preparing requirements, running and responding to RFPs, negotiation plan, detailed reviews, stakeholder communications and spotting opportiunities

Contract Portfolio Review

Sometimes you just need to understand where you may be conformant or not in a particular suite of contracts.

We are able to rapidly assess contract conformance to given criteria and provide detailed reports. 

Vendor Consolidation / Agility

Too many vendors, too few vendors providing real competition, lack of innovation/agility from incumbents? These are common CPO challenges where support is needed. 

We can provide a current state assessment, design the plan, have a clear management programme and implement the transition to achieve the desired state using proven techniques.

Location Rebalancing

Do you have a clear location strategy, has this been updated to your current needs and balanced with business continuity demands?

We can assist you to articulate and orchestrate the defining of what services should be performed in which location and then manage the transition

Outsourcing / Insourcing

Some organisations have outsourced too little leaving little agility in some areas and some too much losing core experience.

We can help you deliver a rebalanced footprint for your current need accepting that outsourcing and insourcing have their place in any organisations strategy.

Contractor / Consultant Reviews

Need support in reviewing the value for money that you are getting from the wider contractor / consultant population.

We can provide a structured assessment of the overall contingent labour population and analysis as to optimisation approaches.

Value Leakage Healthcheck

Do you understand where you are losing money on your contracts, benefits not being delivered as expected? IACCM estimates that 9.15% of contract value is lost.

We can help identify where such waste is occurring and help stem value leakage.

Cost Cutting Implementation

Helping deliver the desired commercial outcomes by determining and enacting targeted cost save measures. We look to target the sustainable measures where possible.

We acknowledge that this sometimes needs to be done quickly and sensitively in accordance with the agreed plan. 

All the services you need,
all in one place.

We offer a wide range of services to meet every type of need.
We have a wide range of Procurement Advisory Services for Chief Procurement Officers (CPOs) and would be happy to discuss your needs confidentially. Bespoke services are also available for particular requirements. 
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Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 
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